The Hungarian Investment & Trade Development Agency 
and  Michigan International Trade Association

In cooperation with Deloitte & Touche  and Co-Sponsor White & Case

Cordially invite you to join us at a 
Hungarian Investment and Trade Seminar

"Enter the European Union through Hungary"

Online Registration Form

To Register, please complete and submit the form below.  You can pay for the seminar by credit card or check. Once you have completed the information below, you can click on the "Send Registration" button and the information will be sent by email to Michigan International Trade Association. Or, you can fill out the form below, print a copy from your computer and fax it to our fax at: 248-692-0326. If you prefer, you may also mail this form to our address with check or credit card information completed. In that case, please print a copy of this page for your records.

There is a charge of $30.00 for the entire event..

Michigan International Trade Assn.
121 W. Long Lake Road   1st Floor
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

Attendee Name:



Mailing Address:

City, State, Zip:



Email Address:


Additional Attendees:


List names below

(leave blank if none)
Total number of People Attending

Total cost for the program (# of people times $30.00)


I will pay by mail:



Bank Check - Make payable to:
MITA -or- Michigan International Trade Association


Send to address below:

 I am paying by 
credit card:

   Card Number: 
 Expiration Date:

Is the name and mailing address on the card the same as listed above? yes no
Please indicate any corrected information below:
City, State, Zip

Michigan International Trade Association
121 W. Long Lake Road, First Floor
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

Please feel free to contact us at (248) 549-4900 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

Seminar Information