The Hungarian
Investment &
Trade Development Agency
and Michigan International Trade Association
In cooperation with Deloitte & Touche and
Co-Sponsor White & Case
invite you to join us at a
Hungarian Investment and Trade Seminar
"Enter the European Union through Hungary"
Online Registration Form
To Register, please complete and submit the form below.
You can pay for the seminar by credit card or check. Once you have
completed the information below, you can click on the
"Send Registration" button and the
information will be sent by email to Michigan
International Trade Association. Or, you can fill out
the form below, print a copy from your computer and
fax it to our fax at: 248-692-0326.
If you prefer, you may also mail this form to our
address with check or credit card information
completed. In that case, please
print a copy of this page for your records.
There is a charge of $30.00 for the entire event..
International Trade Assn.
121 W. Long Lake Road 1st Floor
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Seminar Information